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Der er blevet foretaget flere undersøgelser, der viser, at PEMF kan være effektivt til at reducere hovedpine.
Der er blevet foretaget flere undersøgelser, der viser, at PEMF kan være effektivt til at reducere symptomer på nevropati.
Der er blevet foretaget flere undersøgelser, der viser, at PEMF kan være effektivt til at reducere symptomer på fibromyalgi.
Der er blevet foretaget flere undersøgelser, der viser, at PEMF kan være effektivt til at forbedre søvnkvaliteten.
Der er blevet foretaget flere undersøgelser, der viser, at PEMF kan være effektivt til at reducere rygsmerter.
Der er blevet foretaget flere undersøgelser, der viser, at PEMF kan være effektivt til at forbedre restitutionstiden og reducere muskelsmerter.
The efficiency of pulsed electromagnetic field in refractory migraine headaches: a randomized, single-blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel group
Results:There was a significant improvement for the active group in terms of their headache days, durations and work-loss hours due to headache compared to the placebo group after 2 weeks. The added results of the assessment of the active group indicated a significant improvement in the days and duration of headaches, work-loss hours and number of medications even after a following 4-8-month period. Headache intensity and the amount of medication used for headache were reduced only in RM patients that had headaches which were not related to their menstrual cycles.
Conclusions: PEMF (10 Hz, 4-5mT) can be considered as a beneficial and persistent prophylactic treatment option for refractory migraine.
Treatment of migraine with pulsing electromagnetic fields: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
During the first month of follow-up, 73% of those receiving actual exposure (PEMF) reported decreased headaches (45% good decrease, 14% excellent decrease) compared to half of those receiving the placebo (15% worse, 20% good, 0% excellent).
Impulse magnetic-field therapy for migraine and other headaches: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Data for 77 patients were analyzed. In the active-treatment group, all assessed criteria were significantly improved at the end of the study (P < .0001 vs baseline and placebo). Seventy-six percent of active-treatment patients experienced clear or very clear relief of their complaints. Only 1 placebo-patient (2.5%) felt some relief; 8% noted slight and 2% reported significant worsening of symptoms. No side effects were noted.
Efficacy of pulsed electromagnetic field on pain and nerve conduction velocity in patients with diabetic neuropathy
It could be concluded that PEMF combined with traditional physical therapy program has a positive effect on diabetic neuropathy symptoms.
Evaluation of the efficacy of pulsed electromagnetic field in the management of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy
Significant reduction in pain and statistically significant (P<0.05) improvement in distal latency and nerve conduction velocity were seen in experimental group 1 and 2 .
Low-frequency PEMF can be used as an adjunct in reducing neuropathic pain as well as for retarding the progression of neuropathy in a short span of time.
Assessing the Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy on Painful Diabetic Distal Symmetric Peripheral Neuropathy: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy appears effective as a nonpharmacological means for reduction of pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and holds promise for improvement of vascular physiology in microcirculatory dysfunction associated with diabetic peripheral arterial disease.
Undersøgelser på PEMF og fibromyalgi
Low-frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy in Fibromyalgia. A Randomized, Double-blind, Sham-controlled Clinical Study
The PEMF group showed significant improvements in FIQ, VAS pain, BDI score, and SF-36 scale in all domains at the end of therapy. These improvements in FIQ, VAS pain, and SF-36 pain score during follow-up. The sham group also showed improvement were maintained on all outcome measures except total FIQ scores after treatment. At 12 weeks follow-up, only improvements in the BDI and SF-36 scores were present in the sham group.
Low-frequency PEMF therapy might improve function, pain, fatigue, and global status in FM patients
Low-energy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Pain in Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Single-blind Controlled Pilot Study
Results: In our pilot controlled study, PEMF-TEPT appeared to be safe and improved fibromyalgia symptoms.
Impulse magnetic-field therapy for insomnia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Seventy percent (n = 34) of the patients given active treatment experienced substantial or even complete relief of their complaints; 24% (n = 12) reported clear improvement; 6% (n = 3) noted a slight improvement. Only one placebo patient (2%) had very clear relief; 49% (n = 23) reported slight or clear improvement; and 49% (n = 23) saw no change in their symptoms. No adverse effects of treatment were reported.
The effect of electromagnetic field on sleep of patients with nocturia
Our study revealed that electromagnetic field (SR) as an add-on can improve not only sleep and quality of life but also nocturia symptoms in patients with nocturia. These findings suggest that SR can be effective for sleep disturbance secondary to physical disease, which can be a new application of the electromagnetic field.
Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on nonspecific low back pain patients: a randomized controlled trial.
Adding pulsed electromagnetic field to Conventional physical therapy Protocol yields superior clinical improvement in pain, functional disability, and lumbar ROM in patients with non-specific low back pain than Conventional physical therapy alone.
Non-thermal, non-invasive electromagnetic induction therapy had a significant and rapid influence on unspecific back pain in the treatment group.
Brief, weekly magnetic muscle therapy improves mobility and lean body mass in older adults: a Southeast Asia community case study
In a recent community study conducted in Singapore involving 101 participants aged between 38 to 91 years old, weekly exposure to very low levels of proprietary pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), using theBIXEPSdevice invented by NUS researchers in 2019, is associated with significant improvements in mobility and body composition after 12 weeks, particularly in older persons. Participants also reported reduced perception of pain after 3 months of magnetic muscle therapy.
Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) on Muscular Activation during Cycling: A Single-Blind Controlled Pilot Study
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate PEMF stimulation during exercise performed between low and severe intensity. This study shows an influence of PEMF stimulation on muscle activity, as well as on the energetic system during exercise. Despite this, more studies are necessary to confirm the influence of pulsed electromagnetic fields in human subjects during physical activity. We believe that these first observations could open new horizons in the field of sport performance. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the stimulation parameters necessary to elicit the most useful physiological response.
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